2024: MIKE+, comprehensive , water quality in water supply network modelling

2024: MIKE+, comprehensive, water supply network modelling

2024: MIKE SHE, groundwater modelling and coupling to MIKE HYDRO and MIKE URBAN / MIKE+

2024: MIKE HYDRO Basin, hydro-power and irrigation planning and management

2024: MIKE+ SWMM, drainage system modelling

2024: MIKE FLOOD River modelling (1D-2D flood modelling)

2023: ABK09, Consultancy law - ABK09 and contract management

2023: Scalgo, terain design and cross-section design

2023: MIKE ZERO Pre- and Postprocessing

2023: MIKE+ (1D-2D flood modelling) CS and river comprehesive (2 days - Online)

2023: MIKE+ CS Comprehensive (2 days - Online)

2023: MIKE+ River modelling

2023: MIKE+ RTC (Real Time Control modelling and management) for CS and River systems.

2023: MIKE HYDRO River modelling

2022: Project Management , fast track

2021: MIKE+ (1D-2D modelling) CS and river comprehensive (2 days - Online)

2021: MIKE+ (1D-2D modelling), introduktion (3 hours - Online)

2021: MIKE+ (1D), introduktion (3 hours - Online)

2019: ABK09: ABK 09 General provisions for consulting assignments in architectural and engineering activities in Sweden (Allmänna bestemmelser för konsultuppdrag inom arkitekt- och ingenjörsverksamhet) -1 day course

2019: Gandalf 2019 - 2 days.

2018: Naviate, AutoCAD Civil 3D infrastructure - 3 days.

2018: Working environment (Arbetsmiljö) - WSP - intern course (1 day)

2018:  New as consultant at WSP (Ny som konsult i WSP) - intern Course (1 day)

2018: Projct management part 2 and part 3 at WSP (Uppdragsstyrningsutbildning del 2 och del 3 - WSP - Civil Skåne) - (2 days) 

2017: Project management at MT Højgaard.- 4 days

2016: Mike 21 – New screening methods for 2-D modellering – DHI-DK. (1 dag). 

2016: Mike Urban 2016 – uppdating, new tools and Mike 1-D modelling – DHI-DK (2 days).

2016: Mike Urban 2016 - ”Modelling of Green Cities” with focus on climatechange adaptation solutions, DHI - Denmark (2 days).

2016: Mike Urban 2016 - Upgrading, New tools and Mike 1-D modelling., DHI - Denmark.

2015: Swedish level 8/10 at Berlitz - Stockholm.

2015: To work consultative, Sweco - Stockholm.

2014: Diploma course in Hydraulics - Theory, analysis and design for engineers at Svenskt Vatten -Stockholm.

2014: Project management at Sweco - Stockholm.

2013-2014: Swedish level 7/10 for Danes at Berlitz - Stockholm.

2013: MIKE by DHI user seminar in North Zealand, Danmark.

2012: MIKE by DHI users' seminar, DHI 2-day course in MIKE 21 & MIKE 3 FLOW MODEL FM - Hydrodynamic modelling using Flexible Mesh.

2011: Gandalf (Time series (rain and flow) analysis tool) at DHI-Sweden, MapInfo-GIS (What is new in V.11).

2010: MIKE FLOOD and MIKE URBAN at DHI-Denmark, 

2010: Desktop3 in Arc-GIS at Informi-GIS, Denmark.

2009: MIKE11, MIKE11GIS, MIKE FLOOD-River and MIKE 11 advanced at DHI. 

2009: 2-day course "Management" at IDA (Engineers Union in Denmark).

2009: 2-day course "Project management" at IDA (Engineers Union in Denmark). 

2009: 1-day course "Meeting management" at IDA (Engineers Union in Denmark).

2009: 2-day course "Marketing" at IDA (Engineers Union in Denmark).

2008: DHI’s software users’ seminar. Course at Water Across Europe – DHI 2nd European conference.

2007: MIKE FLOOD course at DHI, DHI’s software users’ seminar, Pipe centre “Rørcenterets” day.

2006: DHI's software users seminar, 

2006: Fresh water center "Ferskvandscentrets" 2-day course - Aministration of Sewer.

2006: Fresh water center "Ferskvandscentrets" 2-day course of drainage system projects. 

2006: Grundfos Pump school  5 courses (Basis module, Wastewater I, Wastewater II, Water supply II and Heating I). 

2006: Pipe centre – Technological Institute “Rørcenter – Teknologisk Institut” courses - Sewer in theory and practice for supervisors.

2005: MIKE URBAN courses and continuous training

2005: DasGraf-courses (Basis course, DasGraf TV and manhole reports, DasGraf - Administration, Themes in Microstation).

2005: Fresh water centre “Ferskvandscentrets” 2-day course - Runoff management - Håndtering af regnafstrømning)

2005: Seminarer.dk (The new function practice for drainage systems_publication 27 - Den ny funktionspraksis for afløbssystemer under regn_skrift 27).

2003-2004: 3 courses at the Danish Red Cross: Crisis management – Refugee Camp Management giving a priority to water supply           and sanitation 2004, Security Course 2003, Basic Training Course.

2003: Hydraulic design and analysis of Urban Drainage Systems using MOUSE/SAMBA Environment & Resources – DTU. 

2003: Geo- information and net - Workshop, Engineering College of Copenhagen: GIS processing through training on MapInfo                           MapBasic and Vertical Maps software’s package, 2003.     

Selected courses at Roskilde University Center (RUC)

2001: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

2000: Environmental Policy and planning, locally, regionally and globally

Selected courses at The Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

2000: Surface water hydrology and water pollution

2000: Groundwater pollution

2000: Wastewater treatment design

1999: Industrial environmental management

1999: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

1999: Waterworks design

1999: Water supply

1999: Groundwater hydrology

1998 - 1999: Wastewater treatment

1998: Hydrology, theory and applications

Selected courses at University of Technology (UOT)

1986 - 1987: Project management 

1986-1987: Tendering and bidding

1986  - 1987: Engineering economy

1986 - 1987: Road and highway engineering

1986 - 1987: Hygienic engineering, drainage systems and water supply systems

1985 - 1986: Mathematics III

1985 - 1986: Soil mechanics

1985 - 1986: Hydraulic systems and structures

1985 - 1986: Steel structures design , ACI code.

1985 - 1986: Concrete structures design, api code.

1985 - 1986: Structural engineering

1984 - 1985: Mathematics II

1984 - 1985: Statistics and programming (Fortran and Basic)

1984 - 1985: Fluid dynamics

1984 - 1985: Concrete

1984 - 1985: Strength of materials

1983 - 1984: Mathematics I

1983 -1984: Physics

1983 - 1984: English for engineering students

1983-1984: Materials engineering

1983 - 1984: Statics and dynamics